Home / Presentations/Publications / Publications Publications ArticlePubDateAssociations Between Inpatient Induction on Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and Postdischarge Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Adherence, Overdose, and Service UseJournal of Addiction Medicine10/22Predictive modeling of service discontinuation in transitional age youth with recent behavioral health service useHealth Services Research8/21Predictors of behavioral health service utilization in a Medicaid enrolled sample of emerging adultsChildren and Youth Services Review1/20Impact of Mobile Crisis Services on ED Use Among Youth with BH Service NeedsPsychiatric Services10/19A Pay-for-Performance Initiative to Reduce Pediatric Inpatient Level of CarePsychiatric Services9/19Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) of BH Problems: Engagement Factors Predicting Subsequent Service UtilizationPsychiatric Quarterly2/19Residential Treatment of Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders and Evidence-Based Approaches and Best Practice RecommendationsAdolescent Substance Abuse Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment8/18“Don’t Guide Me Without Knowing Me”: Experiences of Disparity in Behavioral Health Care by African American, Hispanic, and LGBTQ Adults and Young AdultsUnpublished Manuscript2018